Who we are & what we do

Stoney Stanton Parish Council was formed in 1885 and now the modern council consists of 11 elected councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors offer their time and knowledge voluntary.
Council Meetings - see the diary of meetings for more information.
For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance (available 25 hours a week).
Parish Council Powers (PDF, 60 Kb)
A parish council is a statutory local authority in its own right, having a fairly wide variety of powers conferred by many statutes.
Although its powers are not as extensive as those of county and borough/district councils, a parish council should not be regarded as being subordinate to either of those tiers of local government.
A parish council, being at grass roots level, has an important role in the local government field, representing the community which it is elected to serve.
Good Councillor Guide 2024 (PDF, 4.5 Mb)
NALC's 2024 guide to being a good councilor
Our councillors are elected or co-opted. If you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Parish Office
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
Councillor Contact List - Jan 25 (PDF, 46 Kb)
Councillor contact details
SSPC Code of Conduct (PDF, 366 Kb)
2022 agreed code of conduct for members.
Stoney Stanton Council Standing Orders
Standing Orders (PDF, 270 Kb)
Standing Orders
Financial Regulations (PDF, 251 Kb)
2022 agreed financial regulations
Our Staff

Roz Ward
Parish Clerk and RFO
- Address
- 83 Kirkby Road
LE9 8FR - Telephone
- 07476 202575 (part-time)
- clerk@stoneystanton.org.uk
Roz Ward |
Hall Manager |
clerk@stoneystanton.org.uk |
07476 202575 |
Simon Dewar |
Play/Park Inspector |
rileyelf@sky.com |
07868 737905 |
Steve Windram |
Gardener/Groundsman |
s.windram@btinternet.com |
07913 862351 |
History of the Parish Clerk
The Parish Council was formed in 1885 and the formal map was granted in 22nd March 1888.
First Parish clerk was Mr Mansfield Stevens who was in posted for 40 years until 1925.
1925 - 1965 Mr E Middleton
1965 - 1967 Mr V Hutchinson
1967 - 1969 Mr A Sturgess
1969 - 1975 Mrs I Faulkner (assisted by Miss E Baum WW2)
1974 - 2014 Mrs P Butler (Kinton)
2014 - 2015 Mrs J Wells
Nov 2015 to date - Miss R A Ward