Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange & Land to the west of Stoney Stanton.
Secretary of State decision - minded to refuse letter - new deadline 10 March 2025 (PDF, 337 Kb)
This statement confirms that it is necessary to extend the deadline for a decision on the application by Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited under the Planning Act 2008 for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange Development Consent Order (the application).
Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act 2008, a decision on an application must be made within 3 months of receipt of the examining authority's report unless the power under section 107(3) is exercised to extend the deadline and a written ministerial statement is made to the Parliament announcing the new deadline.
The Secretary of State received the examining authority's report on 10 June 2024. The current deadline for a decision on the application is, therefore, 10 September 2024.
The deadline for the decision is extended to 10 March 2025. The department will, however, endeavour to issue the decision ahead of the extended deadline of 10 March 2025 where possible.
The reason for the extension to the decision deadline is that while the Secretary of State is minded to agree with the examining authority's recommendation that she should withhold consent, she wishes to gather further information on certain matters and to allow for the analysis of that further information before taking her final decision. She is, therefore, publishing a letter today (10 September 2024) which explains why, having weighed the benefits and adverse effects of the proposed development, she is minded to refuse consent and sets out those matters on which she requires further information.
The decision to set a new deadline is without prejudice to the Secretary of State's decision on whether to grant the application development consent.
Letter to Louise Haigh MP regarding the HNRFI decision (PDF, 115 Kb)
Letter to the new Secretary of the State for Transport ahead of the HNRFI decision in September.
SSPC HNRFI Deadline 4 written representation to Planning Inspectorate (PDF, 318 Kb)
SSPC Written Representation to the Planning Inspectorate on the HNRFI (PDF, 5.8 Mb)
Notification of hearings - HNRFI (PDF, 202 Kb)
Notification on hearings
HNRFI - Notification of Hearings - Press Release (PDF, 181 Kb)
Press release
SSPC Relevant Representation Response June 2023 (PDF, 102 Kb)
Final draft of submission.
HNRFI Consultation Response - SSPC (PDF, 486 Kb)
The parish council contracted planning consultants to compile a full and comprehensive response to the HNRFI consultation from Tritax. March 2022
Land West of Stoney Stanton workshop (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
Turley Ltd are looking for residents wishing to join the Community Liaison Group.
For anyone wishing to join please contact the clerk at email
- The formal statutory consultation stage on HNRFI will run from 12th January 2022 to 8th April 2022.
- Please find below a hyperlink to the Statement of Community Consultation which is being published on the 8th December 2021. I would be grateful if you would arrange for this 'link' to be published on the Parish Council's website.
Response to the BDC Local Plan Consultation - March 2021 (PDF, 342 Kb)
Please see Stoney Stanton Parish Council's DRAFT response to the Blaby District Council's Local Plan Consultation. Closing Date of 12th March 2021.
The Parish Council have taken professional advice on this consultation and we welcome residents to read this and use the contents to help with their own responses to the consultation.
Response to HNRFI Scoping Document - December 2020 (PDF, 289 Kb)
Stoney Stanton Parish Council's response to the EIA Scoping Opinion Documentation requested from Tritax Symmetry regarding the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI).
South Drive Land Disposal - SSPC response (PDF, 512 Kb)
Letter to BDC regarding the land disposal at South Drive.
Highfields Farm Planning Application consultee response- 23/0740/FUL (PDF, 4.5 Mb)
SSPC response to 23/0740/FUL application at Highfields Farm.
SSPC Objections to the Stoney Stanton Business Park Planning Application (PDF, 2.8 Mb)
Consultee objections to Stoney Stanton Business Park original reference 16/1654/OUT and Reserved Matters Application 20/0835/RM
FVNP Examiners report - Final (PDF, 588 Kb)
Final published report from the examiner.
Referendum Q&A (PDF, 333 Kb)
Questions and answers about the Neighbourhood plan referendum.
FVNP decision statement (PDF, 354 Kb)
Statement for the FVNP referendum decision.
Amended Draft Byelaws March 2022 (PDF, 126 Kb)
Draft Byelaws under consultation
Statement of Regulatory Accessment to Byelaws 2022 (PDF, 199 Kb)
Statement of Regulatory Assessment agreed with the Byelaws.
Planning Applications
Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan
Blaby District Council has accepted all the Examiner's recommendations and 'made' the Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan.
The Review document replaces the first Neighbourhood Plan and is now being used to determine planning applications. The review process is now complete.
Please see the final version on the link below:-
Last updated: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:58